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Return of goods

Have you bought goods from us and already know that it was not the right choice? We will advise you further below.


Conditions for returning goods purchased in the Henry ’s Music e-shop:

  • You can return goods purchased on the e-shop without giving reasons within 30 days of purchase.
  • In case of questions about returning goods, we will be happy to advise you on the
  • You can download a sample form, including instructions, here.
  • The exact conditions and details of how to return the goods within 30 days can be found in our terms and conditions, which please read carefully.


Whether you are complaining about the product or simply not interested in it within 30 days of ordering, please send it safely packaged to the address below.


Central warehouse of Praha Music Center spol. s r.o. (Limited Company) 

Rakovnická 2665

440 01, Louny

Czech Republic